
Sunday, April 12, 2015

Pete Rose - Should he be reinstated?

Pete Rose has requested to be reinstated to Major League Baseball.  I think it is time that he is.  New baseball commissioner Rob Manfred is in a good spot to do just that.  Time and enough commissioners have passed to allow him to reverse the decision.  While I understand the punishment Rose was given it just seems right that he be allowed to return to baseball.  Maybe he isn't allowed to hold a paid position with a team but let him be part of MLB again to include on field activities and baseball promotions.  With this I would think the Baseball Hall of Fame would follow suit and allow Rose to be voted on once again.  Not sure if he'd make it but I think he deserves the chance to be voted on.  His numbers are so overwhelming and the betting was not something that affected his play on the field. 

Rose is no saint.  He has hurt himself quite a bit during the whole process.  He lied for decades before finally admitting to what he did.  One of my biggest issues I've had with him was when he hocked his book at Cooperstown the weekend Dennis Eckersley and Paul Molitor were inducted (2004).  This was classless and took away from two deserving stars in their finest hour.  He has definitely not helped himself but still it seems time.  He isn't as bad as anyone makes him out to be and not as good as those who defend him claim.  But he is in the twilight of his life and I believe now is the time to allow him to enjoy some of the fame he is due because of his on the field skills.  I don't know how long Rob Manfred will take to make a decision but hopefully it won't take too long.  I look forward to seeing what is decided. 

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