
Friday, August 14, 2015

Buffalo Bills Pick Up Linebacker IK Enemkpali

I like what new coach Rex Ryan brings to the Buffalo Bills but I'm not sure this is a good move.  Ryan is familiar with linebacker IK Enemkpali from his days with the New York Jets and must think he can help the defense.  Still this moves comes one day after Enemkpali was released from the Jets for breaking the jaw of projected starting quarterback Geno Smith.  I'm all for sticking it to your opponents and I'm also good with giving players a second chance.  But this doesn't feel right.  Nothing against Enemkpali but he just broke his starting quarterback's jaw.  I may be talking out the other side of my mouth, but I understand there will be some scuffling on the field but to cold cock someone in the locker room means there is a problem there.  Why do I want that guy on my team?  There doesn't seem to be much uproar with this signing so maybe I'm in the minority.  We'll see how this all plays out and hopefully IK Enemkpali will show people that isn't really who he is.  

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