
Sunday, April 17, 2016

Star Wars The Force Awakens Series 2 Trading Cards

I purchased a few packs of the Topps Star Wars The Force Awakens Series 2 Trading Cards.  They are similar to Series 1 which I reviewed here.  I liked Series 1 and also like these cards.  Minor details like the color of the bottom behind the writing has changed.  It is now blue and the picture on the bottom right of the base cards is no longer Kylo Ren but it is of a stormtrooper. 

Heroes of the Resistance, Power of the First Order, Sticker Card
The great thing about this series is that now that the movie is out we can enjoy all the movie stills that might have spoiled parts of the movie.  I'll let the pictures I've posted do most of the talking but will say I pulled base cards, concept art, sticker cards, Power of the First Order, Heroes of the Resistance, Lightsaber Green (1 per pack), Lightsaber Blue (1:2 packs), and a Lightsaber Purple (1:4 packs).  Lots of great cards which help to relive the movie which I watched just last weekend.  I hope you are able to grab some of these. They are fun cards from a great movie.  

Blue, Green and Purple Parallels
Concept Art

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