
Thursday, April 14, 2016

The Golden State Warrios Win 73 and Would They Beat the 1995-1996 Chicago Bulls?

Golden State won their 73rd game last night in a historic season.  This is the second time I've experienced the wins record being broken but being older, and somewhat wiser, I've appreciated what Golden State did this year much more than when Chicago broke the record.  And to be honest I really didn't like the Bulls back then.  It is a huge accomplishment and one that the Warriors should relish.  The hard part will be following it up.  If they don't win the championship the 73 wins won't be tainted but their season will definitely be looked at differently .  Their task won't be easy as the Clippers, Thunder, Spurs and Cavaliers are all possible obstacles in the next three rounds of the playoffs.  No matter how it plays out it won't be easy.  A minimum of twenty-eight more games after what had to be a grueling season won't be fun unless another championship banner awaits them at the end.  I'm rooting for them, assuming they don't play my teams on the way to another championship.  I'd hate to see such a great season end on a low note.  But even if it did this team is a great one and it has been fun to watch.

Now who would win in a series pitting the 1995-1996 Bulls against these Golden State Warriors?  First off I don't believe, and do not know anyone that believes that those Bulls would sweep the series.  Sorry Scottie.  The Warriors are way too talented to be swept.  The crux of many arguments as to who would win comes down to the era in which the series would be played.  The 90's when players could be more physical or today when players can't get away with as much on defense?  To be honest I don't think it is that easy though it is a good point.  Don't forget those Bulls could shoot the three. They shot about as half as many three's as these Warriors but in today's NBA they would definitely take more three pointers with defenders having to play off them more.  If Golden State played back then I think the quick hands on defense would be a big plus.  Little nats running around the floor harassing other teams.

Bottom line is I think the Bulls win this series but I think Golden State makes it very close.  While Chicago didn't have to deal with shooters of this caliber I think Scottie Pippen and Michael Jordan would do a good job harassing Thompson and Curry enough to make life miserable.  Dennis Rodman and Draymond Green would probably be ejected for fighting at some point but otherwise I think Rodman gets the best of that deal by keeping Green off the boards and playing stifling defense.  Toni Kukoc and Steve Kerr coming off the bench would add to the Bull's firepower and ability to stretch the defense allowing Jordan to attack the basket.  Though he might have to do it with Andre Iguodola draped on him.  I just don't think the Warriors defense, as good as it is, could make up for what they'll lose against the Bulls' defense.  But like everyone else I'd love to see this series.  It would be too much fun.  Bulls 4-2 in a great series.

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