
Tuesday, November 15, 2016

I Visited the Pro Football Hall of Fame

Cool "locker room" where they had a holographic Joe Namath speak to you.
Last week, we were able to hit one of the destinations we’ve talked about visiting forever – the Pro Football Hall of Fame.  We had a great time.  We drove from Southern Illinois to Canton, OH and visited the next day.  It was a Sunday which is ironic because I was missing all the football games but it was worth it.  I’ve thrown up some pictures of various displays throughout the Hall.  There are just too many things I could go into detail about but I won’t bore you. 

The great Kenny "The Snake" Stabler - One of this year's inductees.
Overall it was very inviting and pleasant.  The folks that work there are very nice. It is quiet and very easy to go at your own pace or direction without intervention.  I didn’t realize the Hall is a non-profit organization which I liked hearing for no real good reason.  There were many different types of displays and presentations to include some done by presenters, videos in small theaters as well as an actual holographic video in a locker room setup.  We spend about five hours there which included a fair amount of time in the gift shop which doesn’t disappoint.  I couldn’t recommend this experience more.  It was very fun and as a lifetime NFL fan it is a must see if you ever get the opportunity.   
My man crush Brady - notice the angelic look...

Loved Doug Williams.

Bills' great Jim Kelly.

A few from the hall of busts including OJ, Staubach and Joe Namath.
Falcons' great Claude Humphrey (w/Ali in the picture).

Sweet Roger Staubach locker setup.

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