
Friday, July 28, 2017

Dunkirk Movie

Me and my pop watched Dunkirk last night.  Very good movie.  Based on real-world events, it follows efforts to evacuate 300,000 British Army personnel from France after it fell to the Germans.  The three phases of the operation, air, naval and ground, are followed giving you a good feel for what went into making it happen.  The plot and action are pretty straightforward in their presentation laying out the issues the British had in attempting to retrieve their soldiers while also looking at the real possibility that England itself could suffer the same fate as France. 
I am not sure how to describe it properly but this movie isn’t over acted.  They do act but the dialogue doesn’t get in the way of the story.  The action and actual situations are allowed to play out keeping up the suspense that seems to grow as the movie goes along.  Dunkirk has a different feel than most movies in a good way.  I think if the premise is something you think you might like you definitely go see this movie. 


  1. It looks real good to me...I am familiar with the events of the actual Dunkirk and I'm glad to hear it sounds like they followed accurately. I'll watch it when it comes out of DVD...theaters make me dizzy for some reason.

    1. If theaters make you dizzy this one wouldn't help. I hope you enjoy it once you get a chance to watch.

  2. Never heard of this movie (don't watch standard television, so I don't see previews)... but based on your description... it's right up my alley. I'm looking forward to seeing it now.

    1. Glad to hear that. Let me know what you think whenever you get a chance to view it. Thanks.
