
Monday, October 2, 2017

Static Signal Movie Review

Dark Signal is not a film I knew anything about but the wife and I enjoyed it quite a bit.  We like the horror, thriller, and paranormal thrillers that go along with this time of the year.  The official synopsis is "The spirit of a murdered girl returns with a message for the staff of a local radio station." but that really doesn't seem to do it justice.  We randomly picked this one from Netflix and the trailer can be seen here.  There is a lot going on in this movie but it is in a good way that keeps you engaged throughout.  The different story lines are  brought together nicely at the end while different twists throughout keep you guessing.  I won't go into too much detail as I don't want to give too much away but we thought it was good watch and wanted to share.  P.S. It is a British film.       


  1. Sounds interesting. Added it to my watch list. I've got three season of Blacklist and a 2nd season of Top of the Lake (on Hulu) to catch up with... but I'll give it a shot when I'm finished.

    1. Glad to hear. Hopefully you like it as well.

  2. I'm not one for most modern horror pictures, as they usually try to mask their poor, and often unoriginal scripts by upping the gore factor, but I too enjoyed this film. Granted, some of the acting was subpar, and their are a lot of familiar elements, but I still found it worth watching. And for anyone who likes jump scares, this movie's got a few really good ones in it.

    1. Always good to hear from others who have seen the same movies. You are correct about the acting but the storyline definitely had me hooked. Thanks for the comment.
