
Sunday, January 23, 2022

Scream (2022) (NO SPOILERS)

 Scream (2022): I'm a big fan of Scream.  The sequels, like in most movie franchises, don't do it justice but I'm still in.  I was able to get away to see the newest part of the franchise yesterday.  This one does something we've seen before in other franchises where there is a combination of the established characters as well as newer younger characters who I assume will help carry the torch moving forward.  I hardly ever see horror movies in the theater.  I really enjoyed getting to see this in on the big screen.  I enjoyed it and would rank it behind the first one.  There was nothing groundbreaking in this movie but it was fun to watch.  You can always nitpick but I just wanted to be entertained and I was. They did a good job with showcasing new characters while taking us back to what we enjoyed. Just wanted to throw out a few words and would like to hear what others think if they've gotten to see it.


  1. I had no idea new Scream came out. Will have to check it out.

  2. Nice to see Neve Campbell. She'd make this movie worth the watch.

    1. I like her too. So glad she has remained with the franchise.

  3. I've enjoyed the Scream movies as well. Will see it eventually but not in the theaters. Kinda confused as to why they named it Scream and not add a subtitle.

    1. My understanding is they are walking the line between a reboot and sequel.

  4. Glad to hear you liked it too. Having the original cast was fun.
