
Friday, March 11, 2022

1990 Fleer Baseball Pack

1990 Fleer: Picked up a few packs of these last year at a local card shop.  Not a design I really liked at the time but mostly because it seem the opposite of bright - just doesn't jump out to you.  I've always liked Chuck Finley.  He won 200 wins, had a 3.85 ERA and struck out 2,610 strikeouts over his 17 year career.
Willie Wilson was one of the great base stealers in the league.  I'm a big fan of the stolen base but like most I'm not sure we'll ever see it make a comeback.  Something about this design always left me feeling flat.  Cards just didn't feel bright.  Photos felt dated right out of the pack.  Hard to put my finger on why but they are just missing something.
Neither of these guys ever it did much in the league.
This pack didn't exactly have a great pull. Doesn't mean I don't remember all these guys.  Partly from all the wax I opened back in the day.
No matter how much I liked the design the memories are always fun.  I actually got two of the questions (1 and 3) below right but they were lucky guesses.  

15 – Total Cards
1 – Sticker
1 – Major League Prospects


  1. Not one of my favorite products... but I do enjoy collecting them one per pack stickers.

    1. Stickers were always a highlight of Fleer packs!

  2. A bit of a dud pack, but it's still cheap fun.
