
Thursday, June 2, 2022

Random Wax: 2020-2021 Hoops Basketball

2020-2021 Hoops:  Finals start tonight so here we go.  This guy will make a huge difference in how this plays out.  He's playing crazy good this playoff season.
I had better pulls in packs but Steph, LeBron, Beal and a Giannis insert help bail this one out.  Lavine had another really good year and will be a free agent at age 26 this offseason.  He should be in high demand.   
LaMelo was the big chase in this set.  He had a great year two in the league and at age 20 is poised to be a star for years to come.
Always enjoy Lights Camera Action inserts.
A few guys that don't get to be shown off very often.
I like these inserts.  Just needed a bit more pizzaz for a "Vanity Plate".  Playoffs have been great so far so I'm excited for some more good play this series. 

30 – Total Cards
6 – RC
1 – Arriving Now
1 – Vanity Plates
1 – Teal Explosion
1 – Lights Camera Action


  1. I would think the Vanity Plates would have the player's nickname, but still very cool. Thanks for showing them off!

    1. My pleasure. Yes a nickname would be perfect for those.
