
Friday, July 22, 2022

The Feud: The Hatfields and McCoys, The True Story by Dean King

The Feud:  I'm not great at reviews so I'll keep this short.  There are plenty of Hatfield and McCoy books out there and you just have to go with your gut when choosing one.  I went with this one after watching the Hatfield & McCoys History channel series with my pop.  This book is 464 pages and is packed with information.  The families and history involved in this feud are very complicated.  I think Dean King did a good job keeping it straight as best you can.  Not that I could keep all the family members straight.  There are so many involved it is crazy.  I'm sure it would be the same with most books chronicling these families.  I took my time reading the book and didn't try to plow through it so it took me maybe a year to finish.  I enjoyed the book and the story it told.  That's what you need to take away this.  I'll look at the TV series in my next post.


  1. I think 90% of what I know about their feud came from a Huck Finn kids movie. Anyways... once you mentioned keeping all of the family members straight... I knew this wasn't the book for me. I struggle enough with books like Harry Potter.

    1. It was definitely a head scratcher at times but I just rolled with it. You aren't the only one who would be thrown off by the complexity. Speaking of Harry Potter I'll post some quick thoughts on the last movie later this week.
