
Saturday, September 10, 2022

Queen Elizabeth II Passes

Queen Elizabeth passed this week.  I'm not an expert on British royalty nor do I necessarily follow it.  But as someone who has known no other British Queen or King I didn't want to not say something.  No matter what you think of the position, Queen Elizabeth II represented her position with grace and dignity for 70 years.  All of the stories from her serving the military in World War II to her kind words, to her leadership by example she did well, and she represented her country in an exemplary manner.  I've always been impressed by her and I'm not sure we'll see someone like her again.  I will always think highly of her and I'm sad to see her pass.  R.I.P Queen Elizabeth II.


  1. I don't pay much attention to the royal family, but even so, she certainly had a good run.

  2. My students broke the sad news to me. Glad she had a full life. I flipped through my non-sports stuff to see if I could find a card... but came up short.

    1. I was wondering the same thing but also found nothing.
