
Saturday, October 22, 2022

2002 Inkworks Scooby-Doo Movie

2002 Scooby-Doo:  This movie is always one I enjoy having on in the background when I'm doing something.  It's a fun movie that I enjoy and it's an easy watch.  This is my first look at this set.
I thought the casting on this film was great. The card design is okay but could be better.  Even with the logo and island themed trimmings it seems a bit bland.  Good screen shots though on the fronts.
The backs are fine.  They won't blow you away but there's enough there to let you know what is going on.
Nice shot of the hotel where much of the shenanigans take place.
Daphney showing off her skills.  
Overall a good pack.  Cards showed off the cast which is what you hope for.  Wish there had been a few more cards. This Scooby-Doo sticker is a great way to end it.  

6 – Total Cards
1 - Sticker


  1. Never seen the movie, but loved the cartoon growing up.

    P.S. Scooby Doo's eyes are freaking me out on that sticker.

    1. That's funny. I was a huge fan of the cartoon growing up as well.

  2. The Wife is a huge Scooby Doo fan so we saw both movies in the theaters. I loved that they made Scrappy Doo the villain in the movie...The Wife didn't because (of course) she loved that guy too.

    1. I liked that Scrappy was the bad guy too. Seemed appropriate to me.
