
Sunday, July 23, 2023


Oppenheimer: Saw this one on Friday.  I knew there was a lot of hype around it but really hadn't thought about watching it but it's a good movie.  Though I like history quite a bit I wasn't familiar with Oppenheimer.  This movie centers on him and the effort to build the first atomic bomb.  While that is the basics it really drills into his open mindedness about different ideologies and views and how that affected how people and the government looked at him.  Really fascinating.  Good story, good characters and good acting.  I don't know what else I can say really.  I'll be curious what others think of it.


  1. I was looking forward to this one for a while, and it did not disappoint. The three hour run time flew by. Fantastic film.

    1. I was worried about the run time as well, but it wasn't a thing. Glad to hear you enjoyed the movie.

  2. Sure wish my dad enjoyed watching movies... because I feel like this would be a great film to take him to see. I'm looking forward to watching it when it's available to stream.

    1. It was my pop who wanted to see it in the theater. Unfortunately due to his hearing he wasn't able to understand most of the movie. Still he said he enjoyed it.
