
Monday, May 27, 2024

Swift Sword by Doyle Glass

Swift Sword: Another book I'd given my pop knowing I'd read it at some point.  He's always stated it was one of the best books he's ever read.   I get why.  The book details a rescue mission by Marines during the Vietnam war that goes horribly wrong.  That said, those Marines involved did a great job in holding off an enemy who vastly outnumbered them, and saved countless lives of the units involved.  Doyle Glass provides a great accounting of the battle and of the individual stories directly from those involved.   It's hard not to get sucked into the story while reading the book.  Rooting for the Marines and feeling heartbreak as instance after instance goes against them.  The many grim details are buoyed by those individual and group efforts that helped save the day from being worse.  I enjoyed talking about the book with pop after I read it.  His excitement about the book is something I don't see a lot.  It is a good read.  I will say look at the maps early.  They are presented later in the book but it really helps keep you oriented as it plays out.  


  1. My brother and father would read the same books... and then discuss it. That was their way of bonding and something none of the other siblings did. Pretty cool that you and your dad have something similar going on. I'm sure it'll be something you treasure for the rest of your life.
