
Sunday, April 28, 2019

Avenger: Endgame - NO SPOILERS

They did a great job with Avengers: Endgame.  There were so many threads to the Marvel universe that were a part of this movie.  The old cliche' "I laughed, I cried..." definitely applies here.  It was amazing they were able to pull it off so well.  I thought they did a great job taking what we knew, and what we thought we knew, twisting it a bit, and giving us an excellent movie.  There were plenty of surprises as well as those "wow" moments that give you a small chill.  I really can't say too much and can't wait to actually talk to someone about it.  I look forward to seeing what others think as well.      


  1. I can't wait to see it. Loved all of the movies leading up to it... although I still need to see the Captain Marvel movie.

    1. You can see Endgame without seeing Captain Marvel first. It is worth seeing though. It is very good. Enjoy Endgame when you get the chance.

  2. Just saw it last night. I honestly don't know where Marvel movies go from here. I can't imagine this being topped.

    1. I know! Good luck to whoever is tasked with moving the franchise moving forward. I'm with you. I think it is almost impossible. Hopefully we'll be proven wrong.
