
Sunday, April 28, 2019

Cape Girardeau Comic Con

Went to the Cape Comic Con yesterday with the family as we celebrated a daughter's birthday.  This is a small comic con and really my first since the "Comic Con" name really went big.  While this was really for the daughter and the kid's enjoyment I am a big nerd so this was great for me as well.  There was plenty to look at and was overwhelming to an extent as well.  It also gave me a chance to wear my Green Lantern jersey which I've had for like 15+ years now.  I didn't purchase anything but still it was fun for me and the family.  
The highlight for me was getting a picture with Butch Patrick, AKA Eddie Munster.  I also got his autograph on a 2014 Golden Age card.  I only had a week to find a card for him to autograph.  I was really hoping for one with a still from the TV series but wasn't able to find one I liked.  Still it was great meeting him and getting to see the Munster cars which he takes around to each show.  


  1. Just a couple of cool guys rockin' their cool shirts!

  2. I miss going to comic cons and hanging out with the actors and comic artists

    1. Greg Land was the big artist there. I like his stuff but didn't stop by his booth.

  3. Very cool!I've never been to a con.

    1. Definitely a fun place for every need and collector.
