
Friday, August 12, 2022

Obi-Wan Kenobi TV Series (No Spoilers)

Kenobi:  This one's been out a few months now and I finished it over the weekend.  As a big Star Wars fan I'm always worried I'll be let down by these shows.  This one did not disappoint.  Really, they could have done this as a movie which could have led into a series.  Too much to do just two hours but Obi-Wan would have been fun on the big screen.  I love Ewan McGregor's Obi-Wan Kenobi.  Set after the prequels the Empire hasn't given up on chasing down jedi and of course Kenobi is big on the list.  If you haven't watched other series or the animated shows you'll be introduced to Inquisitors who aren't Sith but are force sensitve and hunt the Jedi.  Pretty cool characters.  Most characters you'd expect to be associated with Kenobi do make an appearance here to include a few surprises.  Some were only referenced but give us fans hope for future appearances.  I got where they were going with the show and enjoyed it.  Always small things you can knit pick but nothing that keeps me up at night.


  1. It was great to see McGregor back as Kenobi. I enjoy and appreciate almost everything SW related... especially the stuff released on Disney+.

    1. Same here. All SW is good. I enjoy the movies, TV series, animated. All of it.

  2. I've only seen the first 2 so far. Have to get on it. It's not bad, but I do wish they'd stop doing so many prequels and move the story forward. (I can't even call Episodes 7-9 moving the story forward since they just reset to the Empire not having been defeated and Palpatine being alive.)

    1. The first two weren't my favorite episodes. Once the story started progressing more I was hooked. I just wasn't sure at the beginning.
