
Saturday, August 13, 2022


Wandavision:  This has been out since last year but I'll still warn folks there'll be spoilers in this post.  Wanda Maximoff, AKA, The Scarlett Witch, has taken over a small town as she deals with her own demons.  In taking over the town she and her husband, Vision, and family live in what is now like a 50s 60s sittcom where everything is simple and campy.  Kind of funny but things of course go haywire.  In the end you find out someone helped push Wanda over the edge into creating her own world and taking over the town.  So the show isn't bad.  It's actually well done.  That said...we have to suspend belief in any of the solo Marvel film right?  A superhero takes on the bad guy or gal on their own and none of the other Avengers or heroes show up to help.  But this one screamed bringing in the big guys to help out.  She's extremely powerful and just took over a town!  They vaguely try to explain it away but that is huge.  But hey if we want to keep this as a standalone venture sobeit.  There are plenty of good characters and the campiness sets a tone we're not used to.  It's a dark series no matter what the background looks like.  No matter how much it looks like Leave it to Beaver.  It's worth the watch and shows Marvel isn't scared about thinking outside the box.   This one also sets up the new Dr. Strange movie which I'll talk about tomorrow.  Curious as to what everyone else thought.


  1. Tried to watch an episode (maybe two), but couldn't get into it. But after watching the new Strange movie... I figured it was something (as a Marvel fan) that I needed to go back and watch. I just haven't done it yet.

    1. It probably is but now that you've seen the new Strange you can take your time.

  2. I've been wanting to see this for a while. Looked interesting to me before it was released, and I'm so not a Marvel fan that I didn't even know it was part of the MCU! I just thought it was a Truman Show-type of thing lol.

    1. I see the Truman like aspect this has. I had no idea what this was before finally watching it.

  3. I liked it, but wish they kept the sitcom aspect of it throughout the season. Once it changed gears it was like a completely different show.

    1. It really was different but I think that it what they were going for. I'm like you though and liked the sitcom aspect. It was different and kind of cool.
