Monday, December 29, 2014

2014 Christmas Swag Part II

"Jack Frost" had this shirt under the Christmas tree for me and the wife.  Yes we are that couple who have matching shirts.  Somewhat dorky but that is what makes us who we are and Jack has been doing this for us the last couple of years.  Many might not know but this is a reference to the Overlook Hotel from the movie The Shining.  So if you aren't that familiar with the movie you might not get this reference but that is what is great about it.  The subtlety.  The Shining is one of the wife's favorite movies so this is a pretty cool gift.  I'll give props where props are do.  Our shirts came from Crazy Dog T-Shirts

Sunday, December 28, 2014

2014 Christmas Swag Part I

Santa Clause left the Hot Wheels 75th Anniversary Batman collection under the tree for me Thursday.  It is a collection of eight vehicles from the various movies, video games, TV shows and cartoons.  I love that the set has such a variety of vehicles.  Included in the set are The Batman Batmobile, Batman Arkham Asylum Batmobile, Batman Batcopter, Batman Live Batmobile, Batman Movie Batmobile, Batman The Brave & The Bold Batmobile, The Dark Knight Rises The Bat, Batman Classic TV Series Batmobile. 

I don't think you could convince me to say the '66 Batmobile from the TV series isn't my favorite.  That said I do really like some of the other vehicles.  The best among the rest is the Arkham Asylum Batmobile.  It is a cool rugged looking version of Batman's wheels.  The Bat is also a nice looking car and from what I've read is a bit different from previous versions in that it has a blue hue.  I also really like the Batman Brave and the Bold and it's slick look.  Can't go wrong with any of these vehicles though. 

Now I have to decide what to do with them.  I normally open all my Hot Wheels because half the fun is being able to touch them and of course play with them as well.  These come in special packaging with artwork from the source Batman property.  I like the packaging as a whole.  I'm leaning towards leaving them in the package.  I'm very limited on where I could display them but I'm thinking it is worth figuring out.  Anyway I hope you all had a great Christmas and once again thank you to Santa Clause!

Saturday, December 27, 2014

Happy Thanksgiving and Merry Christmas! Yes I'm a little late...

The holidays, including Thanksgiving and Christmas have been great.  I've been pretty busy this month so there have been a lack of posts.  But again I've enjoyed the holidays.  For Thanksgiving we did pizza since our oven is broken.  That was a great idea until I started checking on pizza places that may be open on Thanksgiving.  None were.  Finally I remembered Casey's General Store made pizzas and they were open.  Great pizza and we all enjoyed even if it wasn't the traditional holiday dinner.  The Saturday after Thanksgiving I ran the local 5K which is run every year just prior to the Christmas parade.  I enjoyed the run and the parade as well which we watched from our front porch.  Living on the main road in town the parade runs right in front of the house which is great.  Our neighbor came over with his mother to watch the parade with us and the youngins gathered all the candy thrown from the floats and vehicles.  We love our small town we live in and the parade is a great reflection of our cozy little city. 

We had Christmas three times this year as my youngins came from out of town on Christmas Eve to get their presents, we had the traditional Christmas morning opening of presents, and then our oldest surprised us by showing up later in the morning with her fiancé to open their gifts.  You can never celebrate Christmas too much can you?  Well you probably can but we had a great time.  Santa Claus was good to me as I picked up the Hot Wheels Batman 75th anniversary collection, a laptop lap desk which I'm using right now, and an Overlook Hotel shirt (from the movie The Shining). 

I hope everyone else's holidays were good and that your upcoming New Year is just as fun.  I'll do some further posts showing my Christmas swag.