Wednesday, November 9, 2011

I really, really don't like homework...

I really, really don't like homework.  After an 18 year absence from college I recently jumped back into the fray.  I'd love to say I was all gung ho but really I just caved to peer pressure.  Ugh.  Not to say it isn't a good thing.  I already have two years of college completed so I'm two years from a four year degree which should be helpful as I look at possibly retiring in a few years.  So it is a good thing...I think.

I really, really don't like homework.  I just finished my first six week session.  What the heck was I thinking.  I'm taking online courses so not only am I having to adjust to school once again I also have to experience it in a completely different way.  And it sure isn't what I remember.  I had to apologize multiple times to my teachers for not getting something uploaded correctly or missing an assignment that I couldn't find.  So navigating the web to find my assignments, ensuring I get everything uploaded, coordinating group assignments with classmates around the country and keeping up with homework was enough to make me ready to pull my hair out.  And the homework!  Nothing like getting up for work at 5:30 in the morning and returning at 5:30 in the evening knowing I had maybe two hours of work to complete.  That was my life Monday through Thursday.  Did I say i don't like homework? 

I really, really don't like homework.  I'm not saying the classes were bad, the web design and user interface were poor or that there was too much homework.  Just the opposite.  I'm just saying it was an adjustment - a big one and it wasn't easy.  I'll definitely be more ready come January when I take my next courses.  So no matter how frustrated I was I highly recommend returning to college for anyone in need of completing their degree.  Online courses in particular allow for many different options that I think would appeal to older students.  But if you've been out of college for some time and will be looking at online courses be ready for some adjustments.  And good luck.  Did I mention I really, really don't like homework?

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