I picked up my first
2015 Topps Baseball this weekend which were released last week and I like them. I picked up a rack pack from the local Wal-Mart Friday night and today. Each had 36 cards priced at $4.99 each. There are plenty of inserts, rookies and subsets to peak everyone's interests. The border of the front of the card has the team's primary color blended with white and some "technical" lines at the bottom. The player name and team are at the bottom in white with their position in a team colored circle. The team logo is prominently displayed in the bottom right which is always a big plus with me. The photographs are good as always and I feel like Topps really put some thought into this year's design.

The backs have the team logo in the upper left, with the player and team names to the right of that. The players position, "series one" and card number are in the upper right. Player information is below that - ht, wt, bats, throws, birthdate, birthtown, home, signed or drafted, and how acquired. A small blurb is below that if there is enough room with all the player stats below that. The player stats contain those from the player's entire career. I always enjoy being able to see them all. No issues here. As with last year WAR has been added as a stat. A nice looking back to the cards.
Some of the inserts and subsets I pulled were team cards, league leaders, The Babe Ruth Story, first pitch, first homerun, archetypes, free agents, robbed, and highlight of the year. I highly recommend everyone to check these out. Again Topps didn't come out with a card that they could design in their sleep. It is different enough without being all out crazy. Good job Topps!