Friday, March 14, 2025

Random Wax: 1990-1991 SkyBox Basketball (3 Packs)

90-91 SkyBox:  I did not like this dude when he was playing, and kicking my team's butt, but I've become a big Larry Bird fan over the years.  He was a competitor to the nth degree, and wow could he play.  His passing and shooting would so work in today's NBA.
Shawn Kemp shooting, Mitch Richmond playing defense, and Mark Eaton passing.  Not the typical actions we think of when we think of these three.
Some big man love.  I've always been a Ralph Sampson fan. When I go back and look at his highlights, I wonder ever more "what if he hadn't gotten injured?".
The backs of these cards are great.  Bird looking ticked he's not in the game, the Mark Eaton glamor shot and the big Ralph Sampson smile.  All so much fun.
Bad boys, bad boys, what ya gonna do?
Bird making another appearance on the Dale Ellis card.  I love Dale Ellis but defense wasn't his thing, so you know that Bird loved those matchups.

45 – Total Cards


  1. Love that Pippen! I feel like I'm just now noticing the special effect glow around the basket ball on these cards.

    1. They thought of it all. I like that Pippen photo as well.

  2. Replies
    1. I'm in the minority on this one but that is a good looking card.
